JAKARTA - Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tutuka Ariadji, revealed that the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regarding carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) will be issued in the near future.

According to him, this new regulation has a wider scope than the previous regulation, namely the Ministerial Regulation (Permen) of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 2 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Carbon Arrest and Storage, as well as the Arrest, Utilization, and Storage of Carbon in Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities by setting a limit on the terms used in the regulation.

Tutka explained, in this Presidential Regulation, it will regulate the non-oil and gas industry to capture and store carbon and be carried out outside the working area.

"The CCS regulation has a greater scope than Permen No. 2 of 2023. So if an industry issues CO2, CCS cannot be carried out in certain WKs. With this Presidential Regulation, the non-oil and gas industry can carry out ccs outside the WK," said Tutuka Ariadji at the 2023 Performance Achievement Press Conference and 2024 Working Plan of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Tuesday, January 16.

He further explained, with this Presidential Decree, industries outside oil and gas can implement CCS in new areas which will then be called the Injection Working Area.

In this Presidential Regulation, it is also possible to cross border, namely other countries that can inject their carbon in Indonesia.

Tutuka added that later the Cooperation Contract Contract Contractor (KKKS), which has partners from other countries, will have CO2 production elsewhere to store its carbon in Indonesia.

Regarding the matter, said Tutuka, it will involve cooperation between the government and the government (G2G) and continue with inter-business cooperation (B2B).

"For example, a KKKS has partners, partners from a certain country whose many CO2 productions but does not have an area to inject can be brought from abroad to Indonesia," continued Tutuka.

Director of Oil and Gas Engineering and Environment, Mirza Mahendra added, this cross-boreder rule only applies to companies that have investments in Indonesia.

"So, we don't necessarily know. Maybe there were some issues yesterday, can people immediately convey? No, there must be a G2G first. What kind of government to government regarding responsibility related to safety and so on," concluded Mirza.

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