JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif asked the construction of the Dumai-Sei Mangkei infrastructure network to be accelerated immediately. This is an anticipation of the giant findings from the Andaman Block.

"We must also continue to build infrastructure to accommodate additional gas supply from new production results that can be optimized. So the Cirebon-Semarang gas transmission project must be completed in early 2025. Then we must also start a transmission development program in the connection between Dumai and Sei Mangkei to anticipate additional production from the Andaman block," said Arifin, quoted on Tuesday, January 16.

The construction of gas infrastructure, continued Arifin, is to accommodate additional gas production from the Andaman Block so that gas supplies for domestic needs can be more secure.

"So the construction will take several years and this must be adjusted to be able to accommodate additional gas from Andaman so that we can secure supply for domestic purposes. We can realize energy resilience in the country," he explained.

Arifin added that the construction of natural gas infrastructure was continued with a transmission pipeline to supply community needs to the city's gas network program.

"We are trying to build transmission for inter-island interconnection so that at least big cities that cross and small cities can cross the pipeline connection. The pipeline connection will later be connected again to build gas networks to all cities from the hubs that will be passed by the network," said Arifin.

Arifin revealed that this gas network is very necessary because in many countries it uses natural gas for sources of household energy needs, including for hotel and recreation areas.

"We have to optimize that. Why should we do it? Because we have to save foreign exchange because our LPG imports are approximately 5-6 million tons per year," said Arifin.

The construction of a city gas network is an effort by the government, apart from saving foreign exchange, it also makes it easier for people to get energy at home.

"No longer have to work together 3 kg of LPG, just open the tap, that's what we have to try to do," Arifin concluded.

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