JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Public Resources recorded an increase in household electricity consumption by 1,285 kWh per capita or an increase from the previous recorded at 1,173 kWh per capita in 2022.

Meanwhile, for 2024, electricity consumption is targeted to increase to 1,408 kWh per capita.

To anticipate the increase in consumption, ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif ensured that his party would continue to prepare electricity supplies.

"The realization of electricity consumption per capita in 2023 will reach 1,285 kWh per capita. We are targeting that in 2024 it will reach 1,408 kWh per capita. Of course we predict this from the demand trend and also for that we must be able to prepare the supply. This is what we need to anticipate," said Arifin at the 2023 ESDM Sector Achievement Press Conference and the 2024 Work Program, in Jakarta, Monday, January 15.

Arifin added that his ministry will also optimize domestic electricity transmission to reduce the cost of providing power plants (BPP).

It is intended to lower the value of the electricity subsidy.

"The government is also trying to optimize domestic electricity transmission so that it can streamline operations from power plants, and produce cheaper BPP costs. Well, of course this will be able to have an impact on reducing electricity subsidies," concluded Arifin.

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