JAKARTA - Energy economic observer from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Fahmy televisi said the president-elect in the 2024 presidential election must continue and accelerate the energy transition program. The reason is, according to Fahmy, the energy transition program in the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has not yet achieved the set targets. "Whoever the elected president replaces Jokowi, must continue and accelerate the energy transition program. The target that must be achieved in the energy transition program is the achievement of net zero emissions in 2060," he said in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 15. Fahmy said that the new energy mix (EBT) at the end of 2023 had only reached 12.8 percent, still quite far from the target of 23 percent by 2025. Moreover, in 2030 the target increased to 44 percent. He revealed that PT Pertamina and PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) had actually made various efforts to encourage the energy transition.

PLN, for example, is quite successful in the development of EBT with the completion of 28 new EBT generators. The program includes the dedieselization program with the construction of transmission networks and distribution networks to the development of green hydrogen in 2023. "One of the most phenomenal energy transition efforts is the inauguration of the Cirata floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) project with a capacity of 192 megawatt peak (MWp). However, the early retirement program of coal PLTU has not been completed due to the difficulty of providing funds," he said. Meanwhile, Pertamina has been working on biodiesel several years ago, which is a mixture of diesel with palm oil.

Program tersebut dimulai dengan B20, yang meningkat ke B35, dan naik menjadi B40. Namun, program tersebut kemudian berhenti lantaran ENI, mitra usaha dari Italia, menghentikan kerja sama dengan Pertamina." Pengembangan biodiesel selain tidak dapat tercapai, program EBT berbasah sawit juga berpotensi ber colliding dengan program pangan untuk menghasilkan minyak goreng," imbuhnya.Simihan juga dengan program gasifikasi Pertamina, yang mengolahkan batu batu bara menjadi gas, juga mengalami gagal setelah mitra usaha dari Amerika Serika Serikat meninggalang dari Indonesia.Oleh kareh itu, menurut Fahmy, penting untuk melanjutkan dan mengakselasi program transisi energi demi kemis demi mengungan target neutral carbon pada 2060.

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