JAKARTA - Energy Economy Observer at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Fahmyani, said that President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) energy transition program was still running on the spot.

According to him, the program to switch from fossil energy to renewable energy that is more environmentally friendly has not yet reached the targets set.

"The target of the new renewable energy mix (EBT) of 23 percent by 2025 is difficult to achieve because by the end of 2023 it still reaches 12.8 percent. The target in 2030 is 44 percent, it seems that it is still far from being burned," said Fahmy in his statement to VOI.

In fact, he said, PT Pertamina and PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) have made various efforts, but the results are still very minimal, even some of these efforts have failed.

"Since how many years ago Pertamina has been working on bio-diesel, which is a mixture of diesel with palm oil," he added.

Flanked with B-20 increasing to B-35, rising to B-40 then stopping because Eni, a business partner from Italy, stopped working with Pertamina.

In addition to not being achieved bio-diesel development, the palm-based EBT program also has the potential to collide with food programs to produce cooking oil. Likewise with Pertamina's gasification program, which processes coal into gas, it also failed after business partners from the United States left Indonesia.

Unlike Pertamina, the PLN Program in the development of EBT is relatively successful. He said PLN had completed 28 new EBT generators. The program includes a dedieselization program with the construction of transmission networks and distribution networks to the development of green hydrogen in 2023.

"One of the most phenomenal energy transition efforts is the inauguration of the Cirata floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) project with a capacity of 192 megawatt peak (MWp). However, the early retirement program of the coal power plant has not been completed due to difficulties in providing funds," explained Fahmy.

Although Jokowi's energy transition program is still ongoing, he said, whoever the elected president replaces Jokowi, must continue and accelerate the energy transition program.

"The target that must be achieved in the energy transition program is the achievement of Net-Zero Emission in 2060," concluded Fahmy.

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