JAKARTA - PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk (BNGA) will increase capital through the Capital Increase mechanism without Pre-emptive Rights (PMTHMETD) or private placement.

CIMB Niaga will issue a maximum of 10,599,000 shares or equivalent to 0.04 percent of the shares listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

The additional capital has been approved by shareholders at the CIMB Niaga Extraordinary Third General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) which took place, Thursday, January 11.

In addition to approving corporate action, the shareholders also agreed to grant power to the company's Board of Directors with substitution rights, to determine the number of issued shares and the price of new shares.

At the same time, the EGMS also decided to grant power to the company's Board of Commissioners, to state the realization of the issuance of shares without pre-emptive rights.

Shareholders also approved changes to the company's Article 4 paragraph 4.2 point b in relation to PMTHMETD.

This corporate action was carried out as an effort by the company to meet the provisions of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in fulfilling the requirements to remain listed on the Exchange, namely by having a minimum share of 50,000,000 shares free float and at least 7.5 percent of the total listed shares.

As for the position on December 31, 2023, CIMB Niaga's free float shares are 1,759,684,459 shares or equivalent to 7.07 percent of the company's recorded shares.

In addition to carrying out PMTHMETD, another corporate action carried out by CIMB Niaga at this time is to resell 188,878,782 shares or equivalent to 0.76 percent of the company's recorded shares, as submitted through the Openness of Sales/Shares of Shares Purchasing of the company's Shares on September 6, 2023, through the company's website and the IDX website.

Director of Compliance, Corporate Affairs & Legal CIMB Niaga Fransiska Oei stated, with the fulfillment of these provisions, the number of outstanding CIMB Niaga shares will increase, thereby increasing the liquidity of CIMB Niaga shares trading.

"Of course this is also expected to attract investors to make CIMB Niaga's shares an investment option," he said.

Furthermore, Fransiska explained, all funds obtained from PMTHMETD, after deducting transaction costs, will be used entirely by the company to finance the expansion of business activities in the form of lending.

Including in all business segments of the company, including the Consumer, Corporate, Commercial, SME segments, both conventional banking and Islamic banking, but excluding subsidiaries.

Realization of the plan to use these funds can change according to the company's actual needs during the implementation of PMTHMETD.

Like the previous year, this year's EGMS was also held electronically (e-GMS) using the eASY.KSEI application and physically at Graha CIMB Niaga Jakarta.

Through the same application, shareholders can also provide electronic power (e-Proxy) and at the same time use their voting rights in decision making through an electronic voting (e-voting) mechanism.

As for shareholders/power who are physically present at the EGMS location, e-voting is carried out using smartphones, mobile devices, and touch screen monitors available in the EGMS area.

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