Ultra Micro (UMi) HOLDing which integrates PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Pegadaian, and Madani National Capital (PNM) has a positive impact in the form of penetration of financial inclusion in the community.

This Savings enthusiast is also increasing along with the increasing number of UMi customers. It was recorded that in the first year of the launch of the UMi Simpedes Savings (2022) as many as 7.13 million accounts had been registered with a total balance of Rp807 billion.

This figure skyrocketed during 2023, which at the end of the year recorded 13.53 million registered accounts with a total balance of IDR 1.53 trillion. This means that in one year more than 6 million accounts and an increase of IDR 800 billion balances.

The number of Ultra Micro Holding debtors continues to increase. As of the end of December 2023, the number of debtors holding has reached 37 million or grew 22 percent from the position in September 2021," said BRI Micro Business Director Supari, Thursday, January 11.

He hopes that through Holding UMi, the public can be more aware of formal financial inclusion and literacy. On the other hand, the community can also run their business easily and smoothly while using UMi Simpedes Savings.

"With this Savings, Ultra Micro customers get facilities as well as literacy related to how to save money safely and securely. Hopefully, with increased savings, it can improve people's welfare in the root grass. Later, the goals of equity, inclusion, and empowerment can be realized," explained Supari.

In more detail, several profitable features can be obtained for UMi Simpedes Savings owners, including no minimal limit for initial deposits. In other words, customers can open this Savings with a minimum balance starting from Rp0,-.

In addition, this Savings has no minimum limit on deposited balances, which means that customers can withdraw money until it is not left without balance. Flexibility can also be felt if the customer wants to close the account because it is not charged a penny or free of charge.

Likewise with UMi Simpedes ATM cards that are entitled to be accepted by customers. For free, ATM cards can be obtained and can be used for various purposes such as cash withdrawals, transfers, shopping at BRI EDC machines, etc. What's more, this card is equipped with an e-banking facility because it is already connected to BRImo super apps.

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