JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Diana Dewi asked the presidential candidate (candidate) elected in the 2024 General Election to pay more attention to regional development issues.

Furthermore, Dewi said that so far entrepreneurs in the regions have always received different policies from the central government (puss). According to her, this has made development uneven in the regions.

"I hope that regional problems for the future president will also pay attention to the region in terms of the economy. We always get policies that sometimes differ from central policies," he said in the Dialogue of Presidential Candidates with Kadin: Towards Indonesia Gold 2045, in Djakarta Theater-Lounge Area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 10.

Diana said that every regional head has different policies. This condition, he continued, confused business actors to invest in the area.

In fact, said Diana, due to these confusing conditions, many business actors finally chose to move to areas that had punctuating regulations.

"Hopefully in the future the central government will really pay attention to the policies of the local governments issued, even though they are now regional autonomy. This is very disturbing," he said.

Diana said that national economic growth was supported by the regions. Therefore, according to him, the central government also needs to pay attention to the regions.

"It is impossible for Indonesia to become big if the regions are not supported. We feel that as Kadin in the regions," he explained.

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