JAKARTA - The government plans to build a coastal embankment and sea embankment (Giant Sea Wall) project in the northern region of Java Island, from west to east.

The giant embankment is estimated to require financing of around Rp164.1 trillion.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that the estimated total budget needs for the construction of the Sea Embankment and regional development as well as the provision of raw water and sanitation amounted to Rp164.1 trillion.

Airlangga added that the giant embankment financing needs will be met through a funding scheme for cooperation between the government and business entities (PPP).

According to Airlangga, the construction of the giant embankment is very important because in 2020 it shows that the Pantura Java area will contribute around 20.7 percent of Indonesia's GDP through industrial activities, fisheries, transportation, and tourism.

"In addition, the Pantura area of Java is also a fairly dense residential area, with an estimated population of more than 50 million people," he said in the Java Island Area Protection Strategy, through the Construction of the Beach Embankment and Sea Wall at the Grand Ballroom Hotel Kempinski Jakarta, Wednesday, January 10.

In the midst of densely populated conditions and strong economic activity, the Javanese northern coast region faces the threat of land subsidence varying between 1-25 cm per year, on the other hand, the threat that awaits also is sea level rise of 1-15 cm per year in several locations and the phenomenon of Rob floods.

Airlangga conveyed that the threat of Land Subsidence and the phenomenon of Rob floods that occurred in the Pantura Jawa area not only endangered the sustainability of economic activity and national economic infrastructure assets in the region, but also the lives of millions of people living in the region that could potentially be affected by disasters.

In addition, it is estimated that there are at least 70 Industrial Estates, 5 Special Economic Zones (SEZs), 28 Industrial Design Areas (KPI), 5 Industrial Growth Center Areas (WPPIs), and other economic areas that will be affected if the handling of relegation problems in Pantura Java is not handled properly.

According to Airlangga, as a result, Indonesia has the potential to experience economic losses due to tidal flooding.

Especially in the coastal area of Jakarta, which will suffer a loss of IDR 2.1 trillion per year, and potentially increase to IDR 10 trillion in the next 10 years.

"The estimated direct economic loss due to annual flooding on the Jakarta Coast reaches IDR 2.1 trillion per year and can continue to increase every year to reach IDR 10 trillion per year in the next 10 years," said Airlangga.

Airlangga added that indirect economic losses and the potential loss of opportunities (opportunity cost) will greatly double the number of direct losses.

In building Giant Sea Wall, Airlangga said, based on a study conducted by the Ministry of PUPR, there are three stages of construction of the Java Island Sea Embankment that will be carried out, namely:

- Phase A is the construction of Coastal Embankments and Rivers, as well as the construction of pump systems and polders in the North Coast of Jakarta.

Phase A is currently being worked on by the Government through the Ministry of PUPR together with Regions of Rp. 16.1 trillion consisting of the Ministry of PUPR of Rp. 10.3 trillion and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government of Rp. 5.8 trillion.

- Phase B through the construction of the Sea Embankment with an open concept (open dipe) on the west side of the North Coast of Jakarta which must be carried out before 2030 with the assumption that land/land subsidence cannot be stopped with details of the construction of embankments and toll roads of Rp91 trillion and the development of land around the embankment of around Rp57 trillion.

So that the total budget is IDR 148 trillion.

- The third or last phase, namely Phase C, is carried out by the construction of the Sea Embankment on the East side of the North Coast of Jakarta which must be carried out before 2040.

If the rate of land/land subsidence continues after 2040, then the concept of the Open Sea Embankment will be modified into a closed sea embankment. For this phase, there is no projected budget requirement.

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