JAKARTA - Ahead of the 3rd debate for the 2024 Indonesian vice presidential candidate, each spokesman (deputy) gave a leak of preparations made by each vice presidential candidate. The debate, which carries the theme of sustainable development, natural resources, the environment, energy, food, agrarian, indigenous peoples and villages, is planned to be held on January 21.

Spokesperson for the National Winning Team (Timnas) Anies Baswedan-Cak Imin (AMIN), Irvan Pulungan, said that the preparations made by Muhaimin Iskandar were still the same as the previous debate, namely by articulate the vision of missions and programs as well as concrete offers that could be brought to debate. His party is also active in focusing group discussions (FGD). In addition, there is also a workshop so that the public can occupy the vision and mission that is conveyed within 120 minutes of debate with a question and answer time that is only provided for - up to 2 minutes.

"For example, the issue of climate change, how Indonesia encourages negotiations at the international level, can be ascertained into profits and benefits at the national and sub-national levels," said Irvan, who was met at the Le Meridien hotel in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 9.

He also believes that Cak Imin is very strong in issues related to ydan village encouraging villages to become the backbone of the circular economy and the green economy in Indonesia.

"Because so far there has been inequality that we need to answer. Not only in the context of energy but also in the context of how villages can become part of achieving the targets of the green economy and the Indonesian circular economy," he said.

Meanwhile, Spokesperson for Prabowo and Gibran, Eddy Soeparno, said that a number of things were prepared according to the theme starting from sustainable development, energy transitions including natural resources, the environment, rural communities.

"Indeed, the theme that is very interesting to discuss is the issue of energy and energy transition because today the environment, natural resources, energy, and energy transition are very related to each other," said Eddy.

He added that the issue was intensely discussed by Gibran. Moreover, said Gibran, he has a great concern that the energy transition and maintenance of natural resources must be maintained.

Meanwhile, Spokesperson for Ganjar and Mahfud, Edi Sutrisno, said Mahfud was quite familiar with the theme being carried, namely about natural resources (SDA). Mahfud, he said, often handles cases related to natural resources.

"One of them is the issue of controlling natural resources that are unfair. That must be an important issue. Then the issues of pollution and waste as well. Because environmental programs are not only in villages but also in cities," said Edi. Edi added that his party did have discussions but did not give much briefing to Mahfud MD because of Mahfud's high flight hours who had handled the SDA case a lot.

"There is a discussion, but Mr. Mahfud doesn't need to be briefed much. Flying hours are high," continued Edi.

he said, the theme related to natural resources will be focused because it is part of the agrarian reform agenda that will be accelerated. He also made sure Mahfud was familiar with some abbreviations in the theme that was carried.

"But as our commitment, if there is one, it will be explained, we don't want to use it as a trap for other people. We want all candidates to convey their thoughts to voters so that these elections become healthy," concluded Edi.

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