JAKARTA - The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is targeting 1,000 issuers this year to boost market capitalization on the stock exchange.

Responding to this, National Winning Team (TPN) Economist Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD Irwan Ariston Napitupulu said the target could be achieved if the IDX took aggressive steps.

"It is hoped that in 2024 there will reach 1,000 issuers. Hopefully it can be achieved because it is quite ambitious as well as the target, but I think, in fact, 90 percent can be achieved as long as there is aggressiveness in the IDX to pick up the ball (emitent) for new company IPOs," said Irwan in the 2024 2029 Investment Policy and Capital Market Dialogue agenda in Jakarta, Monday, January 8.

As of the end of 2023, he continued, 903 issuers registered on the IDX with a market capitalization of IDR 11,674 trillion or 46 percent of GDP.

In addition, based on the National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion (SNLIK), said Irwan, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in 2022 for the financial services sector in the capital market is only 4.11 percent.

He said that this value was quite low when compared to the banking industry which reached 49.9 percent in the same year.

According to Irwan, the role of the capital market in development is expected to be an alternative source of funding.

"This is roughly the impact I estimate on the sectors in the capital market from the programs that will be carried during the next government," he added.

Thus, Ganjar-Mahfud MD has also prepared 11 programs related to the direction of investment decisions in the capital market.

The following are 11 Ganjar-Mahfud MD programs regarding the direction of the capital market going forward:

1. Economic growth 7 percent;

2. Create 17 million jobs;

3. Create a new economic center;

4. Program one village, one health facility and one health worker (nakes);

5. Program 10 million occupancy;

6. Easy to do;

7. Safe food supply and good prices in bags;

8. Farmers are proud to farm;

9. At sea Indonesia is victorious, fishermen are prosperous;

10. Brush Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism (KKN);

11. Super fast, free internet programs are free and even.

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