JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) opened his voice regarding his actions in picking up Hanum Mega's social media account which exhibited and showed a pile of Rp50,000 denominations tied with rubber bracelets on social media.

Director of Counseling, Services and Public Relations of the Ministry of Finance Dwi Astuti said that his party could not comment in more detail because it had to maintain confidentiality from taxpayers (WP) and if caught showing off wealth on social media, it would be followed up immediately.

"Even if there is further action, of course, we must maintain that it is part of the confidentiality of taxpayers. So we cannot answer the details regarding this, because it is part of the DGT's task to maintain confidentiality," said Dwi to the media crew, Jakarta Monday, January 8, 2024.

However, Dwi explained that in general, if taxpayers have additional economic capabilities, they will be subject to income tax regulated in the Income Tax Law which is carried out by self-assessment or calculated and reported by Taxpayers themselves.

"So whoever is an Indonesian citizen who has the additional ability should report it himself. The tax itself is calculated, reported itself according to the self-assessment," he explained.

In addition, Dwi reminded every taxpayer who has additional assets to immediately report and pay his income tax.

"So, for example, anyone is not only limited to it, if there are additional assets, we will see whether they have been reported or not, if we have not asked them to report SPT," he said.

For information, the Ministry of Finance has issued Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 168 of 2023 regarding the procedures for calculating and cutting the latest income tax in connection with personal work, services, or activities.

The regulation is a derivative of Government Regulation (PP) Number 58 of 2023 concerning Tariffs and Income Taxes of Article 21 on Income in connection with Personal Work, Services, or Taxpayer Activities

In the applicable regulation January 1, 2024, it is stated that income recipients who are deducted by Article 21 and/or Article 26 of PPh are not employees including creators/creators of content in media shared online such as influencers, celebrities, bloggers, vloggers, and others.

The tax calculation uses the Daily Effective Tariff, namely for income with Rp. 450 thousand per day not being taxed or 0 percent multiplied by daily gross income, then income above Rp. 450 thousand to Rp. 2.5 million a day is subject to a tax of 0.5 percent multiplied by daily gross income, and above Rp. 2.5 million, namely the tariff of Article 17 paragraph 1 of the PPh Law multiplied by 50 percent times daily gross income.

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