JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono visited the locations affected by the earthquake in Sumedang Regency, West Java, on Wednesday, January 3.

Basuki also instructed that the handling of a number of public facilities and houses not only repair those that were cracked, but also improve aesthetics and the quality of the environment to be better.

"For public facilities, I think RSUD and SMAN 1 Sumedang are the most priority for us to handle immediately. In general, the structure is still okay, but there are some cracks so we will backfit or strengthen buildings," Basuki said in a written statement, quoted Thursday, January 4.

"Immediate repairs next week, because there are many rooms that must be handled quickly, such as the operating room and dialysis room," he continued.

As for residents' houses, Basuki said that based on reports from the West Java BPBD and the Acting Governor of West Java, there is currently no need to be relocated. So, the repair will be carried out based on the level of damage.

"Rumah yang rusak berat, sedang, atau ringan nanti pasti ada bantuan dari pemerintah sesuai kriteria kerusakannya. Terlapor sampai sekarang ada sekitar 1.100 rumah yang rusak, Kementerian PUPR saat ini sedang mengverifikasi langsung bersama Dinas PUPR dan BNPB agar tidak ada rumah rusak yang terlewat," ujarnya.

In addition, he also ensured that other infrastructures, such as the Cisumdawu Toll Road, Cipanas Dam, Sadawarna Dam, and Jatigede Reservoir were in a safe condition.

"(A number of infrastructures) have been checked and declared safe without any damage from the earthquake," he added.

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