PT Pertamina (Persero) has prepared 43 motorists during the Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 holidays. This is to help motorists if they have problems with fuel oil (BBM) on the highway.

Sales Area Manager Jakarta Bogor Depok PT Pertamina Patra Niaga West Java Regional Sadli Ario Priambodo in Jakarta, Friday said the motorist was alerted to assist motorists if they were in an emergency or had problems with fuel.

"So, they (motorists) serve consumers in emergency conditions, they can go through 135 calls, then mention the area where the area is. Later the closest motorist will visit the consumer," said Sadli.

Sadli said motorist services can be accessed via a call to 135, where motorists can name their area, and nearby motorists will immediately visit the consumer.

He said the service had been active from December 14, 2023 to January 7, 2024, to provide assistance to motorists who were experiencing difficulties, such as running out of fuel or feeling unsure about the critical or thinning condition of fuel.

Those who experience difficulties, for example, run out of fuel or are not PD (persive) with fuel conditions that are now critical or transient. So, our friends stand by," said Sadli.

Sadli claims that many consumers have taken advantage of this service and they feel greatly helped by the assistance of motorists.

Sadli added that in addition to motorist services, PT Pertamina also provides Pertamina Siaga (RPS) Homes to help motorists with health problems.

He said that in general Pertamina had provided a number of services and facilities during the Christmas and New Year 2024 holidays, including 51 gas stations and pertashops on the Pansela route, 2 RPS, 11 Modular gas stations, 63 gas stations, 35 toll gas stations, and 43 motorist units.

Sadli explained that this activity is part of routine activities every year at the end, with the provision of special services in order to support the comfort and security of motorists during the holiday period.

Various product promotions, continued Sadli, are also offered to the public, including profits such as triple points at My Pertamina and cashback 5-8 percent with transactions using OVO and Link Aja.

Sadli added, with these steps, PT Pertamina is committed to providing optimal service and helping motorists who need assistance during the Christmas and New Year holiday season.

"This is our routine activity every year at the end of every year, so we are on Eid al-Fitr holidays which we call the Rasi Task Force and Satin at the end of the year there is a Task Force called the Christmas and New Year Task Force," said Sadli.

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