JAKARTA - PT Trimegah Bangun Persada Tbk (NCKL) has opened its voice regarding the determination of the status of a suspect, one of the directors in the bribery case of the Governor of North Maluku, Abdul Gani Kasuba.

Meanwhile, at a press conference delivered by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Wednesday, December 20, 2023, NKCL Director Stevi Thomas was one of the suspects in a bribery case involving the Governor of North Maluku.

In a KPK press conference, KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata said Stevi, who is a private partner, acted as the party who gave money to Abdul Gani Kasuba through his aide.

The bribe money is for the processing of road construction permits that pass through the company.

In a letter of response to the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Tuesday, December 26, 2023, NCKL's Legal Manager & Corporate Secretary Franssoka Y Sumarwi said, NKCL had not received any information related to the road construction project submitted by the KPK.

Franssoka added that NCKL only has mining operational access road work (hauling road) in the Mining Business License (IUP), which is used for internal purposes, which is not a public road.

"NCKL does not have information on events or projects or allegations from KPK information, which is currently being investigated and/or investigated by the KPK. So, we have not been able to provide information related to the road construction project in question in the press conference," wrote Franssoka, Tuesday, December 26.

Franssoka also said that NCKL had not received a letter from the KPK regarding the legal process being carried out by Stevi Thomas.

However, Stevi Thomas' family has appointed legal advisers to represent and assist him in the legal process.

NCKL will support and strive for the best so that the problems currently being faced by Stevi Thomas can be resolved properly and in accordance with the applicable legal corridors, including providing legal counsel if needed.

"The company will respect the ongoing legal process and is also committed to supporting the ongoing investigation process and hopes that the problems faced by tevi Thomas can be resolved properly," he concluded.

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