Vice Presidential Candidate Number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka will continue President Joko Widodo or Jokowi's steps regarding downstreaming.

Gibran said this program provides the most concrete solution.

"We don't want to send raw goods anymore. We must be able to increase the value of domestic added value," he said in the Vice Presidential Candidate Debate, Friday, December 22.

Gibran gave an example, Nickel's commodity, which was previously downstream, was only worth 3 billion US dollars. Now with downstreaming, commodity value has increased dramatically.

"Before there was downstream, we exported only USD 3 billion. Now after downstreaming it could be USD 33 billion," continued Gibran.

According to him, this is just a nickel commodity and not yet other commodities such as copper, bauxite, and tin which recently imposed a ban on exports of raw materials before downstreaming is carried out.

"I just talked about nickel not yet copper, bauxite, tin, etc. Concrete. Short. Congested. Clear," concluded Gibran

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