JAKARTA - Candidate for Vice President Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin sentil Minister of Trade (Mendag) and Minister of Cooperatives and MSMEs (Menkop UKM) regarding the quality of domestic product production.
Imin considered that there was no movement from the two ministers to improve the quality of international production of Indonesian products.
"There is no one more well-structured movement from the minister of trade, the minister of SME cooperatives in one movement to improve quality to international standards," he said in a vice presidential debate quoted from the Indonesian KPU YouTube, Friday, December 22.
According to him, domestic products seem to walk and develop on their own.
In fact, said Imin, Indonesian products can enter the global trade market if the quality of production has good standards.
"To this day, I am very concerned that none of us will continue to massively upgrade the quality and standards," he said.
"Everything rich is allowed to grow individually," he continued.
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