PT PLN (Persero) provides 624 Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) spread over 411 strategic points.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said PLN is ready to provide convenience and a sense of security to electric vehicle users who will spend the Nataru holiday.

"Homecomers or people who want to vacation by electric vehicle now don't have to worry about running out of battery. There are hundreds of SPKLUs and standby officers who are ready to provide the best service," Darmawan said in a statement to the media, Tuesday, December 19.

He continued, as many as 624 SPKLU units spread across 411 locations in Indonesia as supporting facilities that will provide comfort to electric vehicle users. During the Christmas and New Year holidays this time, the Java toll road is expected to be the most widely used toll road for people. Even when crossing this toll road, electric car users don't have to worry, because PLN also provides SPKLU which is spread across rest areas. Likewise for motorists crossing trans Sumatra toll roads.

Darmawan said, PLN has prepared 64 units of the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger energy charging station at 38 SPKLU points along the Trans Sumatra-Java toll road. Darmawan continued, electric vehicle users also do not need to worry or have difficulty finding the SPKLU location.

"Through the PLN Mobile application, now people can easily find the nearest SPKLU location," added Darmawan.

In addition to improving the EV Charger service on toll roads, PLN also improves services in a number of cities in Indonesia.

It was recorded that 26 EV Chargers were prepared at 21 SPKLU locations for the Banten area. Then, as many as 113 EV Chargers spread across 43 SPKLU locations in the Jakarta area. PLN also operates at least 150 EV Charger units spread across 125 SPKLU locations in West Java.

In addition, as many as 50 EV Chargers spread across 34 SPKLU locations in Central Java & DI Yogyakarta were also prepared to support the Nataru holiday. For the East Java region, 62 EV Chargers were prepared at 34 SPKLU locations and 63 EV Chargers at 29 SPKLU locations in the Bali area.

Strengthening supporting services is also prepared in other areas such as Sumatra with 62 EV Chargers at 51 SPKLU locations, Kalimantan with 37 EV Chargers at 32 SPKLU locations and 27 EV Chargers at 18 SPKLU locations in Sulawesi.

Then, for the Nusa Tenggara region, as many as 25 EV Chargers spread across 16 SPKLU locations were prepared to support the Christmas and New Year holidays. Finally, 9 units of EV Charger_ at 8 SPKLU locations were prepared for the Maluku and Papua regions.

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