JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) launched the Extractive Industrial Data Portal which is a portrait of data and information disclosure, especially from the oil and gas and coal (minerba) industry. This portal is the result of collaboration with the World Bank on the Extraordinary Global Programmatic Support (EGPS)

"The extractive industry, particularly oil and gas and mineral mining, has made a very significant contribution to state revenues. In 2022, based on the Central Government Financial Report (LKPP), Non-State Tax State Revenue (PNBP SDA) contributed about 10 percent to total state revenues, of which more than 95 percent came from the oil and gas and mineral and coal sectors," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Dadan Kusdiana in his remarks at the "Grand Launching Data Portal for Extractive Industries" event in Jakarta, Thursday 14 December.

Dadan hopes that this Extractive Industrial Data Portal contains data and strategic information on oil and gas and mineral and coal from the upstream side, starting from regulations, licensing, exploration, production, sales, state revenues, to data on profit-sharing funds to this area, which can be a reference for the preparation of a policy.

"This capital can be a means for the community to increase public discussion and supervision related to the extractive industry, as well as for the government as a reference source in drafting policies (datadriven policies), especially in planning a fair energy transition program," concluded Dadan.

Representing the Minister of Finance, Expert Staff to the Minister of Bureaucratic Organization and Information Technology of the Ministry of Finance Muhammad Agus Rafiudin said the Ministry of Finance appreciated the concrete steps that had been taken in realizing the Extractite Data Portal.

"This capital is expected to be a link between the raw data owned by various Ministries, so that it can be accessed by the general public in easy-to-use open data formats, and allows a more in-depth analysis to support improving governance in the oil and gas, mineral and coal mining sectors," said Agus Rafiudin.

By providing open access to raw data, according to Agus, this portal will be a powerful tool to increase accountability and reduce the potential for corrupt practices in the extractive industry sector.

"With the increased transparency, related parties, both from the government, industry, and civil society, will have a better understanding of the operations of the oil and gas mining sector as well as minerals and coal. In addition, this portal is also expected to encourage efforts to prevent corruption by ensuring that every aspect of the extraction of natural resources is closely monitored and implemented with high integrity," Agus explained.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the EITI Indonesia National Secretariat, Chrisnawan Anditya, said that the Grand Launching Portal Data for the Extractive Industry was the peak of a series of portal launching activities which had started since October 2023.

"The series of launching activities began with the Extratractive Transparency Day activity on October 16, 2023, namely the thematic dialogue activity which raised the issue of the extractive industry towards a just energy transition where the discussion discussed how to involve stakeholders in managing the extractive industry that can support the energy transition," said Chrisnawan.

Chrisnawan also hopes that with this Extractive Industrial Data Portal, the spirit of transparency and accountability will increase in quality and can be useful for improving the governance of the extractive industry in Indonesia.

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