JAKARTA - The government and stakeholders continue to collaborate to encourage increased sugar production to achieve the ideals of self-sufficiency.

One of them is by utilizing the application of innovation technology in on-fram and off-farm processes.

ID FOOD President Director Frans Marganda Tambunan said sugar is a strategic food commodity whose consumption levels continue to grow from year to year.

For this reason, continued Frans, the improvement and effectiveness of sugar production are important points in order to support the sugar self-sufficiency program in 2028 that has been launched by the government.

The increase in sugar production is still homework together. Where the factors that affect sugar productivity are not only climate problems, but also due to several other aspects including technological innovation in the sugar industry which has not been implemented in Indonesia much," he said at the opening of the National Sugar Summit 2023, in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 13.

Furthermore, Frans emphasized, the use of technology in the sugar industry is absolutely necessary. He said, the success of a number of the world's largest sugar producing countries such as Brazil and India cannot be separated from innovation in the field of technology.

"Sebagai contoh negara Brasil, berfokus pada inovasi pengembangan teknologi mesin, sedangkan India berfokus pada pengembangan tanaman cane. Innovasi teknologi on farm dan off farm. Hal tersebut absolutely dibutuh dibutuhkan jika kita mengharapkan keberhasilan dalam peningkatan produksi cane," tuturnya.

Frans is optimistic that the 2023 NSS can become a forum to consolidate the commitment and enthusiasm of national sugar industry players to increase productivity through the development and utilization of technology in every process carried out in the sugar industry.

"NSS 2023 is a good moment to get the latest insight regarding the increase in sugar production. Together with stakeholders, we voice and support concrete decisions that can bring transformative changes to the sugar industry, strengthen synergy, and play the role of business actors including Food SOEs in supporting sugar self-sufficiency," he explained.

Meanwhile, SOE Minister Erick Thohir alluded to the urgency of sugar self-sufficiency in the midst of Indonesia's growing economic growth. According to him, economic growth will increase people's purchasing power and encourage the complexity of the food industry. This condition will have an impact on the greater size of the sugar commodity market.

According to Erick, in this case, the President of the Republic of Indonesia has taken a position by issuing Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 40 of 2023 concerning the Acceleration of National Sugar Self-Sufficiency and Provision of Bioethenol as Nabati Fuel (Biofuel).

"This policy shows the government's commitment to seriously realizing self-sufficiency," he explained.

Executive Director of the Indonesian Sugar Association (AGI) Budi Hidayat said, as the population increases and increases economic growth, sugar consumption will continue to grow.

Currently, he said, it is estimated that total household and industrial consumption will reach 7 million tons, while domestic production can only be met from sugar cane sugar which amounts to 2.27 million tons in 2023.

For this reason, his party responded positively to the government's move to issue Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2023.

The regulation shows the government's commitment and determination to achieve self-sufficiency in consumption sugar in 2028 and total sugar self-sufficiency by 2030.

The policy is already there, now the process to get there that must be carried out and guarded together. Actions and collaborations between the government, business actors, academics and researchers, associations, and other stakeholders are determining factors. Everything must be in line with in strengthening the national sugar ecosystem," he said.

In an effort to self-sufficiency in sugar, Budi agrees that one of the instruments that needs to be strengthened is the use of high technology.

"Technology plays a very important role in improving the performance of sugar production as well as for other business decisions. For this reason, the theme chosen in the 2023 NSS is very relevant, namely the Utilization of Superior Agro-Technology in Memacu The achievement of Sugar Self-Sufficiency," he said.

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