YOGYAKARTA - Currently, investing for housewives is not taboo, in fact, this is an effort to make money effectively and practically. If a wife has income, of course it can ease the burden on her husband in making a living and accelerate the achievement of financial targets.

So you don't have to worry about the family's financial condition in the future. If you are beginners, below there are several types of investment that are suitable for housewives.

1. Money Market Fund Mutual

Want to try out the world of capital market investment but still don't really understand about this type of investment? You can start it by investing in mutual money market funds.

Money market mutual funds are one of the right investment instruments for housewives who are still lay off and do not want to be complicated. This is because money market mutual fund investment can be tried with affordable capital. Not only that, in mutual money investment in the money market, you are assisted by an Investment Manager (MI).

There are some advantages that you can have from investing through mutual money market funds, namely:

In investing in this mutual fund, you need to recognize the track record of the investment manager you will choose. Ensure that the investment manager you will choose has been supervised by the OJK.

2. Government Securities (SBN)

Government Securities or SBN are securities issued by the government to finance the state budget. In other words, by investing through SBN, you lend money to the government within a certain period of time. Well, instead, you will get a coupon or bond interest benefit.

SBN itself consists of 2 types when viewed based on the principle of management. These two types are conventional and sharia. In conventional type, SBN products are called debt securities. Later, you will get interest every month and the new government will pay the principal at the end of the period. Examples of this conventional SBN are Savings Bond Retailv (SBR) and Indonesian Retail State Bonds (ORI).

On the other hand, for the type of sharia SBN, the funds that you submit to the government will be recorded as participation in state assets. In other words, you have tangible relics and will be leased to the government. Later, the government will pay rent as a regular return to investors. For example, SBN Syariah itself is the Indonesian Retail Sukuk (SR or Sukri) and the Savings Tribe (ST).

There are some advantages that you can have by investing in this Government Securities or SBN, namely:

3. P2P Lending

Another investment that does not require a lot of capital is peer-to-peer Lending or P2P Lending. This is also one type of investment that housewives can try, you know.

The working method of P2P Lending is to lend capital to other parties. Later this capital will be channeled to small business owners or SMEs through a special platform.

You can do this P2P Lending investment starting from Rp. 100,000, you know. Make sure to choose the capital distributor that has been supervised by the OJK, yes. Not only that, you also need to analyze the finances of the MSMEs that you want to provide the capital for.

4. Deposit

Deposits are one of the investments that many people may already know, including housewives. This deposit is an investment that can be said to be more secure for trial.

However, for this deposit investment, you cannot withdraw the money you invest yourself. You must withdraw the money according to the initial agreement with the bank. Generally, this money can be taken after 1.3 or 6 months. Moreover, deposits can also be taken after 1 year.

5. Gold investment

The type of investment that mothers can try the most is gold investment. However, in general, mothers will be hesitant to sort out investments in gold jewelry or precious metal gold. Both have their own advantages.

If you are the type of woman who wants to wear jewelry, then investing in gold jewelry will be right for you. Wearing this jewelry can certainly support your body.

However, gold jewelry generally has a gold-making budget that costs approximately 15%-20% of the gold value itself. Not only that, when viewed from its purity content, gold in jewelry is not purely gold, but there is a combination of a kind of silver and copper.

Aspects like that that make investing in gold jewelry not so much profitable compared to investing in gold bullion or precious metals. In addition, when selling gold jewelry, the payment for the manufacture will not be calculated. The gold shop will only pay according to the gold value on the jewelry.

It would be different if you invested in gold bars or precious metals. The gold content of this precious metal is still purely a tool containing 24 carat with 99.99 percent gold. This makes the value of this gold bullion even bigger.

The current gold bullion investment can also be tried digitally, you know. This investment is called saving gold. You can save gold starting from IDR 10,000. This can certainly help those of you who have limited funds. You also don't need to hold on to the physical form of the gold.

Well, if gold jewelery has payment for manufacture, gold bullion also has a printed fee. If you buy physical products, you will be charged a printed fee in each purchase. However, when you save gold via digital, you only need to pay print fees when you want to print the gold.

Not only that, if you put gold bullion in physical form, you are required to spend money to rent gold storage or a vault in safe places such as in banks, as well as other places that provide gold storage services.

As good housewives, you also have an important role in preventing fraudulent investments, you know!

So after knowing investment for housewives, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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