JAKARTA - Presidential candidate number three Ganjar Pranowo told about the wage problem which is still a serious problem to date.
Ganjar assessed that so far workers, employers and the government have always been dissatisfied with the wage provisions.
Then, Ganjar shared his experience when he was Governor of Central Java for 10 years and worked hard to solve the wage problem.
According to him, so far workers often worry about several things if they receive a small wage, ranging from health to school fees for children.
"I found four problems, I was afraid of getting sick, so BPJS was present, of course those who took care of the state, the company. Second, I'm afraid that my child won't be able to go to school, okay, school is free, otherwise? You fall into the poor category, right? If you look at it, you don't give subsidies," said Ganjar in the dialogue agenda of the Indonesian Employers' Association (Apindo) entitled "Capres 2024 Roadmap for the Indonesian Economy 2024-2029" in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, Monday, December 11.
Next, Ganjar admitted that workers also often tell stories that they waste their money on transportation to and from work.
"I am wasteful in public transportation because that's what we are complaining about now, I made subsidies, I asked for central assistance, so I made Transjanteng which entered industrial areas," he said.
Meanwhile, the latter is related to accommodation. Ganjar said that if some problems for workers were taken over by the government, such as the formulation he applied in Central Java, he believed the happiness index of workers could increase.
"If asked, surveyed, he (the worker) can increase the performance of his survey in terms of the worker's happiness index," he added.
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