JAKARTA - Entering the planting season in a number of areas, the availability of fertilizers is one of the most crucial for farmers. Therefore, Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Andi Amran Sulaiman revised the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 10 of 2022.

Amran emphasized that farmers' access to subsidized fertilizers is easier, not only through farmer cards, farmers can certainly access fertilizers only with Identity Cards (KTP).

"I have just returned to being Minister of Agriculture, but there are many complaints about subsidized fertilizers, while we are entering the planting season, we are moving quickly to change the Permentan, I make sure now farmers can save fertilizer with only their ID cards," he said in an official statement, written Thursday, December 7.

Amran said the revision of the Permentan focuses on the ease of farmers accessing subsidized fertilizers with ID cards, so that farmer cards do not become the only method of subsidized fertilizer replacement, and farmers are given the convenience of redeeming subsidized fertilizers in various ways.

"If the farmer screams there is no fertilizer, three months later we make sure the production goes down, so this must be seriously addressed, if there are still farmers who do not serve fertilizer, I ask for complaints directly to the center, to the Ministry of Agriculture and Pupuk Indonesia," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Agricultural Infrastructure and Facilities, Ali Jamil, said that entering the planting period, the Ministry of Agriculture continues to strive to ensure that there is no shortage of subsidized fertilizer.

Ali explained that the allocation of subsidized fertilizers for each region was confirmed to be in accordance with the proposals included in the e-allocation.

"Farmers who will redeem subsidized fertilizer come to the official kiosk selling subsidized fertilizers, by bringing a Farmer Card or ID card, but what needs to be ascertained is that farmers who have the right to redeem subsidized fertilizers are farmers who are registered as recipients of subsidies according to the provisions," said Ali.

Furthermore, he detailed that based on the e-allocation, the allocation of subsidized fertilizers in West Java Province is 939,895 tons in 2023 and has been realized until November 30, amounting to 695,765 tons or 74.0 percent.

Subsidized fertilizer recipients can redeem subsidized fertilizers at official kiosks that have been determined and can see their allocation through subsidized fertilizer checks.pertanihan.go.id.

"It is very easy that the Minister of Agriculture Amran gave, now the redeeming of subsidized fertilizer can use an ID card, the Permentan regarding subsidized fertilizer is also being pursued to be immediately revised so that farmers can more easily access subsidized and produce fertilizers," he said.

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