6 Business Opportunities In Agriculture With Promising And Never Quiet Profits
Business opportunities in agriculture (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Business opportunities in agriculture are very promising, but not many are looking at it. Agriculture is a sector that will not die because it is a food producer for human life. That is why businesses in the agricultural sector can last long and will bring lucrative profits.

Indonesia is a country that has great potential for agricultural business because there is very large agricultural land in various regions. As an agricultural country, the agricultural sector is also the support of the economy. Therefore, people can take advantage of business opportunities in agriculture to become business people or seek additional income.

Many people think that agricultural businesses must always be in the form of owning rice fields and cultivating crops. In addition, there are various business ideas in agriculture that you can do.

The following are recommendations for agricultural business ideas that can bring in a lot of money for you:

One of the most promising agricultural business opportunities in the current era is the rental of agricultural equipment. You can buy agricultural tools and rent them out to parties who want to use them to work on land and plants.

Many farmers choose to rent agricultural tools instead of buying and own them. You can rent out supporting equipment or agricultural production, such as rotavators, cultivators, rice growers, tractors, harvesting machines, and others.

Cultivation of plants is an agricultural business activity carried out by many people because it is able to provide great benefits. There are various types of plants that you can choose to grow and cultivate, such as cultivation of staple food crops (padies, potatoes, etc.), organic plants, spice plants, and others.

So that your agricultural business runs as expected, you should check the types of plants that have high demand in the market. In the selection of plant types, you also need to see the season and target market.

Another agricultural business idea that has a lot of demand is organic fertilizer. You can sell organic fertilizers from producers or make them yourself. You can make fertilizers with easy-to-get tools and materials.

Among them are the large number of chemical fertilizer products sold in the market, you can offer organic fertilizers that are more environmentally friendly to agricultural activities. Organic fertilizer is made from animal waste and rotting plant waste. Currently, many farmers need organic fertilizer to increase the growth of their crops.

Apart from renting out agricultural equipment, you can also run a business selling agricultural production equipment. Agriculture activities always require tools to work on land until the harvest process, so the demand is quite high.

You can look for agricultural tools manufacturers or suppliers to get cheaper prices to resell. Some agricultural tools that you can choose to sell, ranging from heavy equipment such as tractors, harvesting machines, and others. In addition, you can also offer supporting tools such as spraying, diesel, and others.

Another agricultural business idea that is also interesting to do is sell land fertility evaluation services. This business activity is suitable for those of you who are experienced in agriculture. Especially if you have supporting tools to evaluate land, such as pH meter soil, pH meter water, TDS meter, EC meter, and others.

Not a few farmers are reluctant to sell their crops directly to the market. You can take advantage of this habit by becoming a tengkulak who buys crops directly from the farmers.

As a collector, you can get a harvest at a cheaper price because it is taken from the first hand, namely the farmer directly. You just need to bring the harvest to be sold to the market or city.

Those are some business opportunities in agriculture that provide promising and live benefits. The above businesses do require a lot of capital, but are comparable to the income that goes into your pocket.

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