YOGYAKARTA Knowing that the company's indicator is said to be financially healthy can be known from several things and it is important to know. Not only by business owners, investors also need to know the size of a healthy company financially.

It should be noted that knowing the company's financial condition could be the capital to read the business's future. So what are the indicators that can be used?

In the context of the company's business, financial health and visible health are difficult to distinguish. The company can look fine from outside such as the distribution system and so on, but not necessarily a healthy company financially.

Understanding the company's health indicators can be understood as a clue, information, or sign that can be used to find out the financial health of a company. The financial health of a business must be done in an overall and balanced manner.

Some of the indicators that can be seen are as follows, quoted from various sources.

A financially healthy company can be seen from its cash. Cash can be interpreted as cash in and out of the company. In business activities, the cash that comes in should be more than those that come out. If what happens is the opposite, then the company, business owners should make thorough improvements because these conditions can bring the company to bankruptcy.

Company revenue is the remaining money which is considered a net profit. Revenue is known after the company pays all bills that must be paid. If income is stable or rising, the company is healthy enough and able to pay bills. On the other hand, if the income is stuck and even decreases, it means that there are problems that occur and must be corrected immediately.

When the company spends too much, the more money comes out. This condition must be balanced with incoming income considering the business goal is to seek profit.

Try to see the company's equity. Equity is the total asset value of the company that will return it to shareholders when assets are liquidated. Equity can be an indicator of whether the company's finances are healthy or not. The greater equity means that many investors are entrusting their capital to the company. If the company has a lot of equity to be able to generate cash flow, the company has the potential to continue to grow.

It's not always bad debt. Usually companies take advantage of the debt to finance their operations. Unfortunately, debt can be a bad financial sign for the company. The debt must be paid again to the lender. When the company fails to generate cash so that it is difficult to pay debts, creditors can confiscate, take over the company, and even declare themselves bankrupt. Seeing the company's debt can be an easy way to see the company's potential in the future.

That's information related to the company's indicator that it is said to be healthy financially. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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