JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) appreciates stakeholders who have independently contributed significantly in supporting the management of sustainable coastal areas, seas and small islands.

The 2023 Coastal Awards as part of a series of activities at the peak of the XI National Conference on Marine Resources Management, Coastal and Small Islands (KONAS Pesisir) which was held in Pontianak, West Kalimantan.

"Coastal Awards 2023 are given as an appreciation to encourage and improve the management of coastal areas, seas and small islands in an integrated and sustainable manner as well as to expand harmonious work networks between the central government and stakeholders," said Director General of Marine and Marine Management Victor Gustaaf Manoppo in a written statement, quoted Tuesday, December 5.

Victor said the Coastal Awards assessment was carried out by the Assessment Team consisting of representatives of Echelon II Officials within the scope of the Directorate General of PKRL, Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Managers of the Main Expert, and the Indonesian Coastal Management Expert Association (HAPPI). The Coastal Awards category consists of two, namely the regional government category and community groups.

The regional government category includes the field of conservation as well as the field of planning and compliance of regulations for the management of coastal areas and small islands (WP3K). An assessment of the regional government category for the conservation sector is given to provincial governments that have managed Regional Conservation Areas with the results of the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Conservation Area Management (EVIKA), namely the Golden category (sustainable), namely West Java Province, NTB and NTT.

Meanwhile, the assessment of the local government category for the field of planning and compliance with the WP3K Management Regulation is carried out based on the booster parameters consisting of: the RTRW Regional Regulation which has been integrated, the suitability of activities with the RTRW, the number of socialization of the Compliance of Marine Spatial Management Activities (KKPRL) by the regional government.

Then, the number of Approval for the Compliance of Marine Activities (PKKRL) by the Regional Government (2021-2023) was assigned to the provinces of East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, and Bali.

Meanwhile, recipients of the Coastal Award category for community groups in the Bahari Tourism Village are the Sidodadi Maju Farmers Group, Bahari Sungai Kupah Tourism Village and Bahari Tourism Village, Padak Guar Village.

Meanwhile, the type conservation sector is given to Laskar Pemuda Cares for the Environment (LPPL) Ampiang Parak, the Community Supervisory Group (Pokmaswas) for the Conservation of the Kili-Kili Park Turtle and Pinisi Diving Club.

Furthermore, the area conservation sector is given to the Cahaya Samudera Indonesia Foundation, the Conservation Movement Community Group (KOMPAK) of the King of Samudera and Pokmaswas Hena Berkarya.

Finally, the field of community empowerment is the Mangrove Care Association Surya Perdana Mandiri, the Garbage Bank of the Mesari Buleleng and Cirat Segoro Renges_13 Units.

On the same occasion representing the winners, the Legal Team for Youth and Environmental Care Troops (LPPL) Ampiang Parak Yendri expressed his emotion because the KKP appreciated what the group had done so far in maintaining the marine environment free from plastic waste.

"We hope that the government will continue to assist Pokmaswas to keep the ecosystem sustainable," he added.

The involvement of stakeholders in the marine and fisheries sector in building the marine and fisheries sector is in line with the policy of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono which encourages real synergy and collaboration with all parties in order to make a positive contribution in order to realize the effectiveness of national water management.

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