JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) through PLN Nusantara Power Subholding (PLN NP) with PT Bukit Asam Tbk or PTBA in collaboration in the utilization of Fly Ash and Bottom Ash (FABA).

FABA is a remnant of coal burning ash from steam power plants (PLTU) as neutralizing acid water in former mines.

The collaboration was held at the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023 or COP 28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), recently.

President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo said, FABA, which has been used by PLN as a source of alternative raw materials.

This is in line with the value of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) which is a global commitment to improving the economic welfare of the community while protecting the environment.

"As SOEs, we are well aware of how important it is for every business actor, especially industries that have the same vision in maintaining a sustainable environment. We will continue to improve synergy to be able to support the government's efforts to protect the environment for a better future for the next generation," Darmawan said in a written statement, quoted on Saturday, December 2.

Meanwhile, PTBA President Director Arsal Ismail stated that his party always implements good mining practices (Good Mining Practice) through various initiatives and programs.

Sinergi dengan PLN ini diharapkan dapat mendukung pencapaian target Net Zero Emission pada 2060 atau sebelumnya seperti yang ditetapkan pemerintah.

"This SOE synergy is proof of Indonesia's commitment to achieving the Net Zero Emissions target. In line with PTBA's vision to become a world-class energy company that cares about the environment. We hope that this collaboration can bring benefits to the environment and society," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Operations and Production of PTBA Suhedi said this collaboration is a mutually beneficial collaboration, in which fly ash and bottom ash are used as materials for Non Acid Forming (NAF) neutralizing acid in former mines.

The wet FABA is able to prevent the formation of mining acid from the Potential Acid Forming (PAF) material. The potential for FABA absorption from the Bukit Asam 4x65 MW PLTU during the three-year utilization period reached 400 thousand tons.

"Utilization of FABA will reduce the use of natural resources, thus supporting the concept of sustainable development that pays attention to environmental sustainability," he said.

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