JAKARTA - PT Gudang Garam Tbk (GGRM) revealed that the airport project construction in Kediri, East Java will be ready for use in 2024.

"The airport can be conveyed that the construction will continue as planned. And it is estimated that it will be ready to use in 2024," said Gudang Garam Director and Corporate Secretary Heru Budiman at the Public Expose Live 2023, Thursday 30 November.

Heru said that the cost of developing the airport project would be an additional IDR 3 trillion.

Previously, in an information disclosure, PT Gudang Garam Tbk increased its capital to support the continuation of the Integrated Airport construction process in Kediri, East Java (Badara) which was built by the Company through PT Surya Dhoho Investama (SDHI), which is a controlled GGRM company.

Gudang Garam paid an additional capital of IDR 3 trillion to PT Surya Dhoho Investama (SDHI).

So that the issued and paid-up capital of SDHI, which was originally IDR 10 trillion, increased to IDR 13 trillion.

As for Gudang Garam's ownership in SDHI to 12.99 million shares or Rp 12.99 trillion and ownership of PT Surya Duta Investama 1 share or Rp 1 million.

On the other hand, SDHI's basic capital was also increased from IDR 10 trillion to IDR 13 trillion.

The change in the amount of SDHI capital is as stated in a decision outside the SDHI general meeting of shareholders (circular decisions) dated March 24, 2023 which will be stated in the deed of amendment to SDHI's articles of association.

Transactions were carried out by and between the company and SDHI, which are controlled companies and affiliates of the company.

The affiliated transaction aims to increase SDHI's capital, carried out to continue the airport construction process in Kediri, East Java. The airport was built by Gudang Garam through SDHI.

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