JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) revealed that there are a number of potential natural gas production projects that will be built in Central Java and East Java. This project increase also needs to be accompanied by absorption from the industrial sector.
Head of Representative of SKK Migas Java-Bali-Nusa Tenggara (Jabanusa) Nurwahidi said that a number of natural gas development projects in his area that would be built were the Bukit Panjang field development project by Petronas.
Then, he continued, there is Lasting Mineral Energy (EML) in Madura which will build the ENC field. Furthermore, there are also Medco Energy plans to develop in the Sampang or Pamekasan areas, Madura. This project targets the development of the Blue Whale field.
"Indeed, if we talk about potential, it actually doesn't stop here. "There are several potential gas fields in the East Java and Central Java regions that will be developed in the future," he said in the Manyar Gresik Industrial Area, East Java, written Tuesday, November 28.
"Then there are several fields such as KrisEnergy also in the north of Java Island, God willing, they will be developed," he continued.
Not only private companies, Nurwahidi explained that the state-owned company, PT Pertamina (Persero) through Pertamina EP will also work on the Kolibri field.
"There are also several exploration fields such as Kolibri carried out by Pertamina which have also been discovered and those in the Bojonegoro area will also be developed," he said.
Nurwahidi said that the many natural gas development projects that will be built also need to be followed by the absorption of production results by industry. That way, the supply of natural gas that is already productive can be utilized.
"So there will be a lot of gas potential, so it will be a challenge for the East Java and Central Java regions to optimize the commercialization of this gas," he said.
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