JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) conducted a direct review of the distribution of subsidized fuel oil (BBM).

The monitoring was carried out by the Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati and Member of the BPH Migas Committee Iwan Prasteya Adhi. During the review, it was found that there were no CCTV TV monitors and officers only saw from the recording via cell phone.

"We have recommended this, to immediately install a TV monitor to monitor CCTV. Including, the storage period of the recording was only two weeks. Meanwhile, according to the provisions, it must be at least one month. Indeed, there are several things that need to be improved at this gas station," Erika said in a statement to the media quoted Friday, November 24.

In addition to checking CCTV monitors, BPH Migas also monitors gas station dispensers, stockpiled fuel tanks and talks directly with gas station supervisors.

"So, earlier we talked with gas station supervisors, it seems that they already have caution in serving or distributing subsidized fuel. But unfortunately, it seems that there is still less socialization, how do they carry out a good administrative process. For example, a letter of recommendation. It should be recorded and reported every month. This has not been done yet," explained Erika.

Erika also asked the assignment business entity to follow up on findings in the field.

"Problems of facilities and administration that need to be socialized are more intense by Pertamina," he said.

Responding to the findings above, Sales Branch Manager of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga West Papua, Nuriva Joko Wibowo, explained that his party would follow up on findings such as providing CCTV TV monitors, increasing the storage capacity of CCTV footage and managing recommendation letters in an administrative order.

"SPBU has received this instruction, repairs will definitely be made immediately," he said.

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