Product Packaging Houses In Garut Rampung, Now MSMEs Can Pack Their Own Products
Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Seskemenkop UKM) Arif Rahman Hakim. Photo: Doc. Kemenkop UKM

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) said that currently the MSME product packaging house in Garut, West Java, can be utilized. This is the government's effort to increase the production capacity and quality of MSME products.

"MSME actors in Garut, Ciamis, and Tasikmalaya, do not need to go all the way to Bandung to pack their products, and the packaging facilities they have are the best," said Secretary of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Seskemenkop UKM) Arif Rahman Hakim in a written statement received by VOI, Saturday, November 18.

Arif said this is important so that MSME actors can make attractive product packaging. This is because consumers have a high interest in goods that visually can attract attention.

He hopes that Garut's superior products, especially leather crafts, can be produced at the Joint Production House.

"There are skin crafts, leather jackets, hats, shoes, and so on. In fact, it is hoped that these superior products can enter the export market," he said.

In addition to Packaging Houses, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs is also developing a Joint Production House (factory sharing) program so that the product quality of MSME actors can be better and production costs can be reduced even though the business scale is still small.

"In Garut Regency, it is already under construction for the skin industry. Hopefully, by mid-December it will be operational," said Arif.

Furthermore, Arif said Garut Regency has also contributed to the development of MSMEs through products such as coffee, leather crafts, woven bamboo, dodol, fragrant roots, and geopark tourism. In fact, the Limbangan District in Garut has products with global potential, namely briquettes.

"Therefore, the development of MSMEs is the government's priority agenda in the future, in order to play a more strategic role in the national economy," he said.

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