JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) said that the implementation of the toll tariff discount ahead of Nataru is still under discussion.

"Regarding the toll tariff discount so far, there has been no policy or decision, but it will be discussed later, both internally at the PUPR Ministry and between ministries," said BPJT Member of Tulus Abadi Community Elements in a public discussion in Jakarta, Thursday, November 16.

Tulus assessed that the provision of toll tariff discounts was not too crucial. Because, in general, people want smoothness on the toll road itself.

"What is clear is that in the last few years, every homecoming season, whether Eid or Nataru, there are discounts. But we discussed that again, because the most important thing for the community is not discounts, but the smooth flow (on toll roads)," he said.

He added that the things that should be focused on at this time should be on Nataru's own preparations.

One of the efforts is to prepare non-toll roads to anticipate traffic jams on toll roads.

The reason is, when traffic jams start to increase on toll roads, road users can be diverted to arterial roads. Thus, congestion can be unraveled and traffic flow continues to run smoothly.

"Currently, people are also very dependent on toll roads, when the flow of homecoming, non-toll roads become quiet. Actually, when toll roads experience congestion, people can move to use non-toll roads so that they can reduce traffic density on toll roads," he added.

As previously reported, the Ministry of PUPR mentioned the government's plan to provide a discount on toll rates ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays or Nataru.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of PUPR Endra S Atmawidjaja said that currently his party will only conduct a study on the determination of the policy.

"The toll rate that has not been decided, has not yet been held a work meeting," said Endra after being met at the Hunindotech 4.0 event at The Westin Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 14.

Endra assessed that the provision of toll tariff discounts would be effective in spreading vehicle density, especially during the momentum of holidays and national holidays such as Christmas and New Year.

Therefore, Endra said the government would consider and review the re-implementation of the policy at the Nataru 2023 momentum.

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