JAKARTA - Hutsky - CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) Cooperation Contractors (KKKS) who are operators of the Madura Strait Working Area (WK) through their three fields are committed to becoming the largest gas producer in East Java.

For information, the production of HCML gas sales is currently 250 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) and is the largest in East Java and Central Java.

"From the three HCML fields, namely the BD, 2M (MDA-MBH), and MAC, KKKS HCML is the largest gas producer, with a production percentage of 30 percent of total gas production in the East Java region," said WHP Superintendent Field BD, Redhata Rangkuti in his statement, Thursday, November 2.

He explained that the production of the BD Field was supported by 3 main facilities, namely Offshore Wellhead Platform (WHP), Gas Metering Station (GMS) located near the city of Pasuruan, and Floating, Storage and Demolition Production facilities (Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading/FPSO) operated by the 3rd party with a contract scheme.

Production from the BD Field consists of acidic and toxic gas H2S around 4,500 ppm from WHP which is then processed at FPSO to produce sweet gas to be sold to gas buyers and side products from acid gas which is then converted into liquid sulfur (Molten Sulphur) at FPSO, the gas also undergoes a separation process to produce condensates which are then periodically transferred to tankers (condensate offtake).

"From FPSO sales, gas that has met the specifications will be sent to the Gas Metering Station (GMS) via an underwater gas pipeline along approximately 53 km from the BD Field Offshore to GMS Pasuruan," added Redhata.

The total production capacity of this field (gas rate from wells) is around 120 MMSCFD and 6,000 BCPD (barrel condensate per day). As for gas sales, based on data as of October 31, 2023, it is 110 MMSCFD.

Meanwhile, for the 2M field (MBH and MDA), the gas production capacity is 125 MMSCFD with gas sales reaching 121 MMSCFD. Then for the MAC field the gas production capacity is 23 MMSCFD and gas sales reach 19 MMSCFD based on data as of October 31, 2023.

With three new fields and several new fields to be developed, it is hoped that it will not only increase HCML production but also become more integrated for more massive production activities.

"We hope that through the 3 existing fields, we can encourage the growth of various industries in East Java in absorbing potential gas supply from HCML. As we know in the future there will be several industrial developments in East Java," explained Redhata.

Apart from being a supplier of natural gas, HCML has also succeeded in processing residual natural gas into liquid sulfur (Molten Sulphur) products. BD field is the first offshore facility in Asia to produce liquid sulfur and dismantling liquid sulfur, after loading liquid sulfur for the first time in 2017.

"FPSO in the BD HCML field has gas treatment unit technology, gas dehydration, condensate stabilization and sulfur recovery units which is the first FPSO with sulfur recovery unit (SRU)," he said.

For future plans, HCML is currently developing 2 new fields, namely the MDK Field which is scheduled to be onstream in the 3rd quarter of 2024 and the MBF Field which is currently entering the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) stage and further towards the POD (plan of development) submission stage which is planned to be onboard in the 4th quarter of 2025.

"HCML will continue to strive to develop new gas fields to maximize the utilization of natural gas in Indonesia, this is also accompanied by the aim of supporting SKK Migas in achieving gas production of 12 BSFD (billion cubic foot standards per day) by 2030," concluded Redhata.

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