JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman said there are food problems and energy crises so that many countries hold back their aid or exports such as India because they maintain the stability of their country's food.

"We must maintain food security because if there is a food crisis it will jump into a political crisis," said Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Sunday, October 29.

Minister of Agriculture Amran's statement was delivered at an event attended by around 1,500 people consisting of families, ranks from the Ministry of Agriculture, relatives and administrators of the Hasanuddin University Alumni Association (IKA Unhas) and 300 orphans in Makassar.

On that occasion Amran conveyed his commitment to provide his salaries and allowances to the orphans.

"On this occasion I convey that my salary and allowance as a minister will be left to the orphans, that's my commitment," he said.

In Indonesia, he continued, El Nino and the long dry season also affect agricultural production. However, a number of regions in Indonesia have received rain which is expected to be able to increase agricultural production, especially rice

"Alhamdulillah, we have had a blessing because the days of the inauguration, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Sumatra began to rain," he said.

According to Amran, his party is currently preparing the planting season for the months of October and March with a production target of around 1.5 million tons. He stressed that the target must not be missed and must be achieved according to the specified time.

"We first focus on rice and corn for October March, we must not miss. Why? Because this is a matter of the lives of many people and we know that we are currently facing a food crisis. So we must increase production as much as possible and that is the direct order of the president," he explained.

In addition, Amran promised to fix the management of fertilizer so that farmers can produce. Then restore the image of the Ministry of Agriculture so that it becomes dignified again so that it gains public trust.

"We will fix the distribution of fertilizers later. God willing, I will come here. The image of the Ministry of Agriculture will improve. No one should play games in carrying out their duties," he said.

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