JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) noted that currently there are 179 types of downstream products in the downstreaming program of the palm oil industry.

"Currently, we note that there are around 179 types of downstream palm products and about 90 percent of the export volume in the form of downstream products. Only about 10 percent of the export volume is in the form of raw materials for CPO/CPKO," said Director General of Agro Industry Putu Juli Ardika in a written statement received by VOI, Friday, October 27.

Putu said that the palm oil industry was ranked first in the contribution of the growth of the agro industry sector, so the government placed the palm oil industry as one of the national development priorities.

Meanwhile, the contribution of the palm oil industry to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reached 50.87 percent.

He explained that the Indonesian palm oil industry is still showing an increasing expansion trend until September 2023. This was marked by the Industrial Trust Index (IKI) which was recorded at the level of 52.51 percent, down 0.71 percent compared to August 2023 which was 53.22 percent.

Therefore, Putu representing the Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita expressed his appreciation for the various research conducted by researchers from various institutions.

According to Putu, research and innovation to develop the downstream oil palm program needs to be carried out in order to increase the value of palm oil products while creating a sustainable industry.

"This is to communicate the benefits of the industrial downstream program, including the mandatory biodiesel program of 35 percent (B35) for national decarbonization efforts," he said.

The production of palm oil (CPO) until the end of 2022 reached 51.2 million tons with a total export value of 29.7 billion US dollars.

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