JAKARTA - The National Food Agency as the Food Safety Competent Authority (OKKP) ensures that food Supply Stabilization and Price (SPHP) rice is safe for consumption.

This is based on the results of tests in accredited laboratories.

"So based on coordination with the regional food office, OKKPD, and the food task force as a result of testing in accredited food laboratories, rice suspected of being synthetic rice or plastic rice is a hoax, so we can ensure that the SPHP rice circulating in the community is safe and has no impact on health," said Deputy for Diversity of Consumption and Food Safety NFA Andriko Noto Susanto, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, October 26.

Andriko said that the testing of rice samples began with news in Binjai City, North Sumatra some time ago which stated that one of the residents found rice produced by SPHP rice milling like plastic balls.

In response, OKKP conducted tests of rice samples suspected of being plastic rice including plastic profile testing and implemented tests in four parameters, namely physical tests, chemical tests, plastic profiles, and plasticizers.

"Based on the four testing parameters, both rice samples from Bukittinggi City and SPHP rice samples from Binjai City were concluded to be negative for plastic. Both rice samples were physically destroyed, did not melt, and did not float. Chemically positive contained the star and both negative for the plasticizer," said Andriko.

Andriko emphasized that the guarantee of fresh food safety in circulation is one of the focuses of the authority of the National Food Agency as the Central OKKP (OKKPP) together with the Food Service in all provinces and districts/cities as Regional OKKP (OKKPD) which continues to be carried out intensively in synergy with the food task force. The guarantee for the fulfillment of food safety and quality standards consists of residual pesticides, heavy metals, micotoksin, and mirobiological contamination.

Head of the Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi emphasized that the issue of synthetic rice is prone to being blown amid the government's serious efforts to stabilize rice supply and prices by intensifying the Cheap Food Movement (GPM), rice food assistance, and Bulog market operations.

For this reason, in addition to carrying out scientific testing actions on rice samples, Arief also asked the food task force to supervise and take action against parties who have been proven to spread hoax news about synthetic rice that has occurred recently.

"Now if there is synthetic rice, the investigation food task force and if it is proven guilty, it needs to be processed legally, so that people are calm and get clarity on this issue", said Arief.

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