JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) together with the Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) will hold a Capital Market Summit & Expo (CMSE) 2023 entitled "I'm a Stock Investor" from 26 to 28 October 2023, located at the IDX Building, Jakarta.

IDX President Director Iman Rachman said there would be 50 booths from various capital market industry players, including the Financial Services Authority (OJK), SRO and its subsidiaries, securities companies, investment managers and selling agents of mutual fund securities, listed companies, public clinics, and the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance.

Visitors can gain direct insight into the Indonesian capital market and access various information about stock investment. In addition, they can also seek information related to careers in the capital market through educational booths and capital market careers," said Iman, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, October 23.

Imam hopes that his party can inspire more people to achieve financial success through stock investment, increase inclusiveness, and strengthen their positive image by becoming stock investors.

"CMSE 2023 is not only an ordinary capital market event, but also a real step in building a more inclusive future in the world of investment, especially investment in the capital market," said Iman.

In this event, the IDX also provides an online expo concept, with seminars that will be broadcast live through the IDX's youtube channel.

As is known, the IDX targets the number of Indonesian capital market investors to reach 13.5 million Single Investor Identification (SID) by 2023, or grow 35 percent year on year (yoy) compared to 10.3 million SID by the end of 2022.

Along with that, OJK targets the number of Indonesian capital market investors to reach 20 million SID in 2027 in accordance with the capital market roadmap 2023-2027.

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