BANDA ACEH - Bank Indonesia recorded that the volume of digital transactions using the standard Indonesian quick response code (QRIS) in Aceh Province reached 5 million transactions from January-August 2023.

"As of August 2023, our QRIS users have crossed the target volume. We have 5 million target transactions by the end of the year, but now it has been achieved," said Head of Bank Indonesia Aceh Rony Widijarto as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 19.

The number of QRIS users in Aceh during that period reached 4,134,729 users.

The number of users continues to grow by 153,000 or 67.64 percent of the target of 226,000 new users throughout 2023.

In terms of transactions, he continued, it has reached 5 million transactions or 100 percent of the target of five million transactions this year.

The transaction value has greatly increased compared to the previous year's 2.3 million transactions from January-December 2022.

Rony admitted that his party continues to accelerate digitalization in all regions. The reason is, QRIS is a tool to facilitate economic actors in conducting transactions in banking.

"We also continue to make various efforts to add QRIS users. Because we also want people in Aceh to get used to it, especially micro business actors," he said.

Along with that, he said, Bank Indonesia also continues to develop QRIS innovations in a sustainable manner with various features, making it easier for the public to make digital transactions easier.

"So with that, QRIS will also continue to grow. Especially now that QRIS is between countries. Currently, Aceh is also visited by many tourists from Malaysia, making it easier to transact for MSMEs," he said.

Rony added that Aceh still has the potential for tourism to continue to be developed, especially with infrastructure conditions that are ready.

In fact, he said, in the near future Aceh will also host the 2024 PON.

So, many people from various regions will visit Aceh. Of course, Aceh's wealth and uniqueness of religious tourism and culture are the attraction of the outside community to go to Tanah Rencong.

"So we continue to prepare digitization, with the current achievement that is already good, the QRIS feature is also increasing," concluded Rony.

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