YOGYAKARTA - The intention to start business is of course we will clash with the so-called capital and relations. But the initial capital was indeed a crucial discussion. If we have good capital, but if not? Yes, looking for an investor and making a business proposal. So what are the tips for making a business proposal that is right on target?

It's not easy to make a business proposal, there are many things you need to pay attention to and convince for existence. And make sure the proposal is clearly compiled but always short and congested. Because an investor doesn't have much time to read a proposal that contains long-winded content, therefore convinces you to make your business proposal as interesting as possible.

There are also steps or methods of making business proposals are as follows:

1. Make an Eviction

The first step that you must take is to make a precursion. In this part, investors mean recognizing the business background that you are running. In it there will be your vision and business mission and a reflection of the goals and targets to be achieved. The picture of goals and targets will make investors more confident in carrying out investment in your company.

2. Include Company Profile

The method of making the next business proposal is to include a business profile in the proposal. You must include 3 important points, namely the business type, the company name, and your business position. This data will be used by investors to identify how much profit capacity is biased when carrying out investment.

3. Create a Company Organizational Structure

If you have a business, you should have an organizational structure. This structure consists of You yourself with a system or team that carries out your business. You can also make it between the owner and the employee. If an industry has a good managerial and organizational system, then you can name the company owner, manager name and marketing part, HRD and so on. This organizational structure will later show that your efforts will be managed by a clear team and run seriously.

4. Explain Business Products

The next step is to adjust the business products that you are running. You can include the type, method of making to the advantages of your products. A review of the details of business products must be detailed so that investors understand and are interested in carrying out investment.

5. Determine Market Target

Next, the part that is no less meaningful is to include the target market. Explain about who your target market is. Definition of market targets is sourced in the type of work, age, region, to the economic class of your target market. This will later become an additional value in the morning of your proposal. Because it means that you understand who your efforts are and show that your business has a potential market.

6. Susun Strategi Promosi serta Pemasaran

Each business proposal always lists what the company's strategy is in promotional and marketing activities. In this section, you must narrate in detail what strategy you want to use in order to attract consumer attention. This is where investors will analyze how much profit will be obtained later.

7. Develop Financial Reports

Furthermore, the important thing is that you must include in your business proposal, namely detailed and transparent financial reports. Later you need the allocation of funds needed to carry out your business. Then, make a profit calculation scheme that you will achieve later. Don't forget to make a calculation system result. The results of the calculation will be used by investors to analyze how much capital needs to be spent and how much profit you get.

8. Create Closures and Attachments

The next step is to make covers and attachments. Convince you to make a closing with the right words. This is the final part for you to convince investors to want to provide funds. Don't forget to include a thank you sentence at the end of the proposal. Then what is no less meaningful is attachment. You can attach business owner biodata, business licenses and business certificates.

9. Make An Interesting Outside Look

The last method is to make an appearance outside of an interesting proposal. Because this matter can attract the attention of investors who don't have much time to read proposals. A unique appearance can make your proposal read and consider its contents. Or you can also prepare a digital proposal in the form of a PDF, which can be sent to the investor's email.

So after knowing the tips for making business proposals, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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