JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) cooperates with the National Standardization Agency (BSN) to organize standardization for Micro and Small Enterprises (UMK) through integrated information services at Cooperative Integrated Business Service Centers, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (PLUT-KUMKM).

"The cooperation agreement is a form of strengthening the PLUT-KUMKM network to accelerate the transformation of micro-enterprises from informal to formal through fulfillment of business licensing, to certification of UMK products through the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) Bina UMK," said Deputy for Micro Business at the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) Yulius in his written statement, quoted on Wednesday, September 27.

Yulius said that the standardization, especially SNI certification, would provide security guarantees to consumers, both in terms of product quality, more organized production flow, and a management system that would form regularity to increase UMK productivity.

To date, there are 87 PLUT-KUMKM spread throughout Indonesia with 332 consultants as assistants in it, which are expected to be able to optimize various services that are expected to be able to optimize various services.

"This current source of PLUT-KUMKM power is what I hope can be collaborated on to classify UMK to be competitive through the fulfillment of SNI certification," said Yulius.

Yulius said that his party continues to encourage the institutional status of PLUT-KUMKM to become UPTD/BLUD to become a more flexible organization in supporting the performance of regional agencies or agencies. Therefore, according to him, the existence of BSN information services will further support the optimization of PLUT-KUMKM services.

"I hope that all parties are committed to overseeing the implementation of this collaboration. So, our goal to create competitive MSMEs can be realized," he said.

On the same occasion, BSN Main Secretary Donny Purnomo stated, PLUT-KUMKM is a means that is expected to be collaborated with his party. Moreover, with the consultants in it, PLUT-KUMKM is expected to be able to integrate integrated BSN services into existing services," he said.

He added that standardization activities have been widely known for medium and upper enterprises, as if the UMK is difficult to standardize. In fact, according to Donny, when the crisis occurs, micro and small businesses become economic safety nets because they are able to survive well.

"I hope that standardization, especially SNI, is no longer considered a scourge, but instead is considered a partner by micro-enterprises to improve business quality," he said.

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