JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) provides a new statistical publication called IDX New Listing Information. This aims to meet investor needs in accessing comprehensive data and information related to the initial listing of a company's shares.

IDX Director of Trading and Member Settings Irvan Susandy explained that the service contains data collection and information on the initial listing of corporate candidates listed on the IDX, which includes company profiles, IPO information and records, financial report data, and shareholder information.

"This data can help investors determine investment decisions, analysis and research," said Irvan quoting Antara.

Irvan said the service aims to make the data and information provided standardized, to support the integration of the database system, and to improve the appearance and presentation of data so that it becomes easier to understand as well as user friendly.

Meanwhile, the information contained in the IDX New Listing Information includes Company Profile (Company Profile), Initial Share Listing (IPO & Stock Listing), Company Governance (Corporate Governance), and Industrial Listing and Classification Board (Board & Classification).

Then, there are also Warrant Listing, Fund Use Plan (Intended Use of Fund), Supporting Professional Institute (Supporting Institutions), Financial Statement Data (Financial Statement Data), Business Segment Information (Segment Information), Other Information, and Shareholder Information. Information).

Furthermore, the IDX also added content to better meet investor needs, including oversubscription ratio, number of records in a year, members of the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI), and cost of funds.

In addition, there are also categories of planned use of IPO funds, summary of recent financial reports and shareholders, financial performance in the form of graphics (assets, liabilities, equity, income, profit/loss), financial ratios, number of employees, and composition diagrams of shareholders.

"The launch of the IDX New Listing Information publication shows the IDI's commitment to providing comprehensive capital market statistics publications even since the company will be listed on the IDX," said Irvan.

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