JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia revealed that there were three main problems related to the conflict that occurred on Pulau Rempang, Batam, Riau Islands related to the Development of the National Strategic Project (PSN) Rempang Eco City.

First, said Bahlil, the conflict was triggered by communication and socialization that had not been running, both between the local government (Pemda) and the people living in the area.

I have a team now in the field. There are three points I guess, but don't suggest it, my guess. Pertana because the socialization has not gone well, it must be admitted. That is a communication that is not good," he said in a statement with Commission VI of the DPR, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 13.

Therefore, said Bahlil, he was assigned by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to step down and immediately resolve the conflict that occurred on the island of Rempang.

However, Bahlil admitted that before the conflict, he had visited Pulau Rempang and met the people there. The results of the meeting are known to some people have lived there for a long time, while others have only come above 2004.

"At the beginning of August it wasn't this chaotic, I came and met the residents... What happened there? To be honest I say some of the people there according to the Batam Regional Government which were conveyed directly by the sub-district head in front of the mayor that it is true that some of our brothers and sisters have a basis for their rights, some of which have been there for generations. But can't be naive, there are also new ones," he said.

Bahlil admitted that local residents had also demonstrated. However, he said, after the discussion was held and the solution was that residents began to accept his arrival.

Even when I came down, I was met by the people, yes, it was a small demonstration, but I met them. But it's good, if we talk well they are also good," he said.

Second, continued Bahlil, there was a licensing problem. Bahlil established that a permit for six companies had been issued in the Rempang area. But after being investigated, it was found that there was a procedural error.

"I'll be honest in this. The permit after it was suspected that there was a procedural error, it was revoked. We don't know what happened behind it all," he said.

Third, Bahlil suspects that the conflict that occurred in Rempang was foreign interference. Moreover, the construction of this project is a big government plan.

"In the past, when the BP Batam era was created to become an area to balance Singapore, what happened now? We should have thought what was behind this. Every time we build big there, there is just one," he said.

"This has gone viral, you know, there are foreigners who talk about it (Rempang), it's viral on TikTok. It's a bit fun for us too, why take care of our country. What's there?," he continued.

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