JAKARTA – The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is said to be collaborating with companies responsible for producing electric vehicle batteries, including the Indonesia Battery Corporation (IBC).

Meanwhile, IBC is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) company, which plays an important role in the Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) and EV ecosystem in Indonesia.

"These progressive steps are a strategic part of supporting Indonesia's vision to become a leader in the electric vehicle industry and contribute to the global sustainability agenda," said Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, quoted on Sunday, September 10.

Agus noted that currently there are around 50 companies developing EVs in Indonesia, with total investment reaching more than 200 million US dollars or around IDR 3 trillion.

He explained that the government had set a target of one million four-wheeled vehicles in operation by 2035 being EVs, which is equivalent to saving around 12.5 million barrels of fuel.

"This policy is expected to reduce CO2 by 4.6 million tonnes," he said.

In addition, it is targeted that 12 million two- and three-wheeled electric vehicles will operate by 2025, equivalent to saving 18.86 million barrels of fuel and reducing 6.9 million tons of CO2.

“The government is optimistic that this target can be achieved. "We also welcome industries that are interested in taking advantage of the incentives available in developing EV vehicles in Indonesia," he stressed.

Agus added that his party supports the implementation of the Indonesia Sustainability Forum (ISF) which will be held in the middle of this week. He said the Indonesia Sustainability Forum was the main annual forum aimed at promoting sustainable development.

"ISF, which was initiated by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), offers opportunities for global stakeholders to collaborate and dialogue," he said.

For information, ISF involves various parties, including government, private companies, multinational institutions, associations, think tanks, civil society organizations, and philanthropic organizations. This initiative is expected to play an important role in achieving sustainability goals.

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