Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Rosan Roeslani revealed that talks on the 2023 ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum (AIPF) matching business discussed several sectors. One of them is the electric vehicle ecosystem and supply chain.

Rosan said other sectors that are the focus of discussion include renewable energy, green hydrogen development, green ammonia, alumina refineries, battery supply chains, toll road infrastructure, and ports.

Yang menjadi fokus dari sektor-sektor strategis nasional seperti, ada 5 proyek yang melibatkan energi, oil dan gas, 9 proyek toll road atau jalan tol. Ada, 5 proyek melibatkan port, 6 proyek bidang kesehatan. 3 proyek fetilizer, 10 bidang infrastruktur, 9 tourism, dan 3 project di EV ecosystem and value chain, katanya dalam konferensi pers, ditulis Kamis, 7 September.

Although there are only three EV ecosystems and value chains, said Rosan, it turns out that it has become a prima donna or has a lot of interest for investors present at this event.

"It turns out that the demand is very high, I happened to be there too and it was reported that even those who came had insufficient capacity of more than 45 or 50 people in the room that we provided per industry," he explained.

In the AIPF 2023 forum, continued Rosan, 185 international and domestic investors have been collected who will cooperate in these projects.

Some of the recorded Saudi Arabia, ACWA Power. Also from a French company, EDF Energy. Then Korea Electric Power Corporation," he said.

Then, continued Rosan, IGNIS Energy Holding from Spain. Next is China Railway Corporation, and China State Construction.

"Siemens also exist from Germany, JETRO from Japan, from Canada there is British Columbia, and also England there is," he explained.

Meanwhile, said Rosan, interested domestic investors are Astra International, Aman Mineral Tbk and Dian Swastika Sentosa.

"From international banking, there are Standard Charter, Sumitomo and commercial banks as well as multilateral bank development," he said.

In addition to the SOEs, said Rosan, there is also a matching business from Bappenas to encourage the acceleration of investment on toll roads. Such as toll roads in Demak, Tuban, Gersik, Tasikmalaya, Ciamis as well as water projects, PAM Jati Luhur.

"And again followed by several ASEAN countries of Brunei, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines also participated in presenting potential projects, especially in the infrastructure or airport and telecommunications sectors," he said.

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