JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) is ready to partner with new partners at the ASEAN Indo Pacific Forum (AIPF) which will be held on September 5, 2023 in Jakarta.

Pertamina's Vice President for Corporate Communication Fadjar Djoko Santoso said this was done considering that the potential energy source contained in Indonesia's natural stomach reached 23,965.5 Mega Watt (MW) or the second largest in the world.

"Currently, this potential has only been utilized around 9.8 percent with an installed power plant capacity of 2,342.63 MW from 16 Working Areas," Fadjar explained to the media, Friday, September 1.

According to him, in the energy transition era, the potential for geothermal is one of the energy sources that global investors are interested in.

He added, as a BUMN in the energy sector, Pertamina plays a strategic role in managing geothermal energy by operating 15 Working Areas (WK) in Indonesia, each of which 13 WK is managed by themselves (own operation) and 2 WK is managed with partners (joint operation contract).

According to Fadjar, Pertamina will continue to develop geothermal energy to produce electricity from renewable energy sources.

Given that this green infrastructure is very much needed to ensure energy sustainability in the future.

"In the momentum of the AIPF 2023 flagship event, with the support of the Government, Pertamina is ready to build cooperation and collaboration with global partners. With these strategic projects, Indonesia has confirmed its position as a pillar of the epicenter of economic growth in ASEAN," said Fadjar.

Currently, this geothermal project has been able to produce electricity equivalent geothermals of 4,524 Giga Watt per hour (GWh).

Since February 2023, Pertamina has successfully conducted an initial public offering (IPO) of its subsidiary PGEO of 10.35 billion shares and raised funds of up to Rp9.05 trillion.

Currently, 15 WK managed by Pertamina are Mount Sibuali-Buali 'Sumut, Mount Sibaayak-Sinabung' Sumbut, Sungai Penuh (Kerinci) 'Jambi, Hululais'Bengkulu, Lumut Balai and Margabayur'Sumsel, Way Panas' Lampung, Kamojang Darajat-Jabar, Karaha Cakrabuana' West Java, Pangalengan-Jabar, Cibeureum Parabakti' West Java, Tabanan-Bali, Lahendong-Sulut, Gunung Lawu-Central Java, Seulawah-NAD, Kotamobagu-Sulut.

"In accordance with Pertamina's master plan, geothermal development until 2026 will continue to be increased, targeted to double to 1,108 Megawatts (1.1 Gigawatts)," concluded Fadjar

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