JAKARTA - The Jabodebek LRT is planned to operate at the end of August and will be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The presence of this mass transportation is expected to have an impact on reducing air pollution in Jakarta and its surroundings.
Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said he would encourage the integration of transportation modes with the Jabodebek LRT. Starting from MRT, KRL, to Trans Jakarta.
Tiko, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo's nickname, said that an integrated mode of transportation will provide convenience and convenience in mobility for the community.
"Hopefully many people will switch to public transportation on KRL, LRT, later also connect to MRT and TransJakarta," he said during a review of the Jabodebek LRT with a number of media in Jakarta, written Tuesday, August 22.
In fact, Tiko revealed that the Jabodebek LRT has also collaborated with the local governments (Pemda) of DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi so that services such as rapid transit buses (BRT) can cross and stop at LRT stations.
In addition to facilitating people's mobility, Tiko said that the existence of the Jabodebek LRT is also expected to help reduce the air pollution that is widely discussed in Jakarta and its surroundings.
Indonesia is now busy about pollution. One of our hopes of operating this LRT is one of the solutions to reduce air pollution," he said.
Regarding the inauguration and commercial operations of the Jabodebek LRT, Tiko said it was likely to be carried out on August 28.
From field visits ahead of the inauguration, Tiko assessed that so far the progress of preparations for the Jabodebek LRT operation has been quite good. Starting from travel comfort problems, software systems, and synchronization between train doors and station doors.
"We are satisfied with the results, we hope there will be further improvements before the operation on August 28," he said.
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