JAKARTA The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) confirmed that Indonesia's economic growth in the second quarter of 2023 was still supported by the manufacturing sector as the main focus.
Deputy for Balance and Statistics Analysis of BPS Moh. Edy Mahmud said that the contribution of the processing industry was recorded at 0.98 percent or the highest of total economic growth of 5.17 percent year on year (yoy).
"The source of Indonesia's economic growth in the second quarter of 2023, according to the business field, was contributed the most by the manufacturing sector," he said on Monday, August 7.
Edy explained that the next contribution came from the trade sector with a contribution of 0.68 percent. Followed by the transportation and warehousing sector by 0.63 percent, the information and communication sector by 0.51 percent, and other sectors by 2.37 percent.
Meanwhile, this composition is a historical pattern that tends to be the same and has at least occurred in the last three quarters.
"Indonesia's economic growth in the second quarter of 2023 was better than the first quarter of 2023 which was 5.04 percent but lower than the fourth quarter of 2022 which at that time was 5.46 percent," said Edy.
To note, the slick deployment of the Indonesian economy has continued the growth trend above 5 percent since two years ago or to be precise in the fourth quarter of 2021.
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