The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is collaborating with PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN) to initiate the implementation of the Industrial Awareness 4.0 Workshop with the theme Industrial Policy Direction 4.0 and Industrial Technology Implementation 4.0 in the Automotive Sector.

This is done to encourage the acceleration of industrial adoption and implementation 4.0 in the automotive industry sector.

"In addition to building awareness regarding the adoption and implementation of industrial technology 4.0, this activity is also part of the utilization of the PT. TMMIN showcase, which since March 14, 2023, has been officially operated at the PIDI 4.0 Building to support digital transformation, especially for the manufacturing sector in Indonesia," said the Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI) of the Ministry of Industry Masrokhan in his official statement in Jakarta, Monday, July 31.

This workshop was attended by 40 participants from the top management level of various national automotive companies, automotive companies associations, as well as the small and medium-sized industrial sector (IKM) supporting the automotive sector industry.

Masrokhan said the automotive industry had a significant contribution to the national manufacturing sector, by absorbing direct labor of up to 38 thousand people.

"As well as more than 1.5 million people who work along the industrial value chain from upstream to downstream, which also involves the role of automotive IKM supporters," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Production Logistic Control & Technical Directorate Government Affairs of PT TMMIN Widjanarko said the TMMIN showcase at the PIDI 4.0 Building was a form of the company's contribution in an effort to support the acceleration of digital transformation in Indonesia.

"PT. TAMMIN hopes that with this showcase, it can be used to build awareness related to the adoption and implementation of 4.0 technology, as well as a means of supporting the holding of various trainings related to the implementation of 4.0 technology in the automotive sector," he said.

Currently, PIDI 4.0 has five main services, namely showcase, capacity, ecosystem, delivery, and AI & Engineering. Through this service, it is hoped that PIDI 4.0 can become a one stop solution in accelerating industrial transformation 4.0 in Indonesia.

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