JAKARTA - BonCube, a native product from Indonesia that became the pioneer of the first sowing sambal in Indonesia, has never stopped innovating

After launching its newest product, namely the Makaroni BonCabe Snack Level 50 Max End, now BonCabe is holding an activation of millions of rupiah prizes with the theme #MakaroniMaxEndChallenge which is done online and offline.

At this activation, BonCabe Lovers are challenged to spend as much Makaroni's 50 Max End Snack as possible without drinking in one minute.

The event was held in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, on Saturday, July 29.

In the online version, the competition was held on the social media account @officialboncabe, while the offline version of the fried snack food competition was held in several major cities in Indonesia, such as Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Cirebon, Tasikmalaya, Bekasi, Bogor, Jakarta, and its surroundings.

"Untuk produk snack makroni ini memang rasah sekali dan memang ditujukan untuk masyarakat (peserta) yang benar-benar menyukai rasa scathing ekstrem," kata Brand Manager BonCabe Aulia Dewandaru Rahman di Jakarta, Sabtu, 29 Juli.

The appointment of the #MakaroniMaxEndChallenge winner is the result of the finalists who are pitted back in the Grand Final of the Makan Competition from various cities.

The journey in the search for the winner of the fried snack food competition was quite long, until finally one of the winners was chosen, namely Irman from Tangerang.

"From a young age, I really like to eat spicy food, to eat everyday, I always want a spicy menu. If it's not spicy, it's less delicious to eat," he said.

BonCabe also chose one of the favorite finalists and was successfully achieved by Nika from Solo, Central Java. Nika said she was happy because she was able to take part in the BonCabe event and was proud to represent the city of Solo, even though she only got the favorite champion.

"I still feel very proud, before the race there were tips and tricks that I did to make it stronger to hold back spicy by drinking cold water and ice cubes to my lips so that my filling in the city of Solo won," he said.

The appointment of the #MakaroniMaxEndChallenge winner is the result of the finalists who are pitted back in the Grand Final of the Makan Competition from various cities.

Irman and Nika are one of the finalists who won the competition in their respective cities. The two of them managed to get a prize in the form of money.

"In the future, through #MentalGueBonCabe, BonCabe will also realize its commitment to always provide a true sensation to scathing lovers by innovating to produce other scathing products," added Aulia.

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