JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) continues to strengthen the downstreaming of fishery products in the Kebumen area, Central Java, through the growth of entrepreneurs and MSMEs processing for the diversification of shrimp products.
"This activity is the starting point for building an integrated upstream and downstream shrimp business ecosystem between business actors, financial institutions, and other partners, so that it becomes an economic driving force in the regions," said Director General of Strengthening Competitiveness for Marine and Fisheries Products (PDSPKP) Budi Sulistiyo in a press release, quoted Thursday, July 20.
Through this series of activities, Budi also invited regional officials to continue to socialize licensing and business certification. He gave an example of the presence of business service outlets that also serve access to capital.
"Support from the service, in this case, is also very much needed, so that efforts to encourage marine and fisheries MSMEs to advance to class can be realized," he said.
Furthermore, Budi said, several series of activities that began with technical guidance from the Fish Processing Assistant for Class XII students and alumni of SMKN 1 Puring majoring in Fishery Products Processing Technology. The activity, which was attended by 80 participants, aims to improve the competence of the younger generation in processing fish, especially shrimp.
"Then the integrated service outlet related to the facilitation of access to financing, business licensing, processing feasibility certification followed by more than 100 business actors," he said.
In addition, there are also training of Trainers (ToT) for the development of added value products. Then, there are institutional development activities so that business actors can form cooperatives, one of which is in order to facilitate access to financing.
"We certainly hope that the number of MSMEs that are trying in the field of processing, especially shrimp, can continue to grow and develop, especially since this Kebumen is one of the centers producing shrimp in the future," concluded Budi.
Previously, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said the importance of downstreaming marine and fishery commodities. Minister Trenggono also asked the ranks of the Directorate General of PDSPKP to continue to strengthen efforts to grow marine and fishery entrepreneurs through MSMEs and the processing industry.
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